LETTER: Does Dale Mohr have conflict of interest?

To the editor:

After one year of a new town board in Little Suamico, one has to address Town Chairman Dale Mohr and question which hat he wears when he chairs the monthly town meetings. Dale Mohr wears the Oconto County UW-Extension community development agent hat. Dale is also Little Suamico town chair and Little Suamico plan chair. To myself, this is a major conflict of interest.

As an observer and citizen in Little Suamico, every monthly meeting it becomes very apparent to me that Mohr is representing Oconto County and not Little Suamico. It is interesting to see how Mohr sits in the background and does not really lead as he lets the supervisors (or plan commission members) push forward his agenda as he sits in the background because of his confusion what role he is playing at Little Suamico meetings.

Is Mohr committing an ethics violation as he pushes his Oconto County Community Development agent agenda and not really caring or thinking how this affects the citizens he supposedly represents in Little Suamico?

During a recent meeting, Dale decided to put the public comment at the end of the agenda after the decisions were going to be made on a proposed Ford dealership moving to Little Suamico. As items continued to be reviewed and voted on and completed Kayser Ford President Sean Baxter and S&L representative Gregg Tank and developer Steve Bieda abruptly left in the middle of the meeting and did not stay to hear what the citizens had to say about this development. Was this the plan all the way along?

I feel public comment was put at the end of the agenda purposely by Dale Mohr (Oconto County Community Development agent, Little Suamico town and plan commission chair), as Dale clearly did not care what the citizens’ concerns were. Of note, the rezone of the Kleczka property (possible Ford dealership) is going before the Oconto County Land and Resource Committee on May 13, which is displayed on the website of the UW Extension, Dale Mohr, community development agent.

Little Suamico needs to look at this very closely as this is not what the citizens signed up or wanted when they voted for a new town board in 2023. Little Suamico was looking for a new beginning, not a nightmare.

Beth Trudell, Little Suamico